Bukhara city is the capital of Bukhoro Oblast. It is located in an oasis on the
Zerafshan River. Also called Bokhoro or Bukhara, the city is located in a regio
producing natural gas, cotton, fruit, and silk. It has industries manufacturin
textiles, processed karakul pelts, carpets, and clothing.
Bukhara with more than 140 architectural monuments is a "town museum" dating to the
Middle Ages. Among many Bukhara architectural monuments (some are dating back to
the 9th century) are several mosques, the Ark Fortress (now a museum), and the
mausoleum of Ismail Samani (9th-10th century). Minaret Kalyan (12th c.), one of the
tallest structures in Central Asia; Ulughbek Madrssah (1417), one of the earliest
Madrassahs built in Central Asia that has been preserved until the present.
Also in Bukhara one can find the country residence of the last emir, the
Sitorai-Machi-Khosa palace.
One of the most famous scientists, the author of khadis Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail
al-Bukhariy was born in Bukhara. The memorial ensemble of Chor-Bakr (XVI century)
and the burial-vault of scientist and philosopher Nakshbandi are places of
pilgrimage. Another great scientist, Abu Ali ibn Sino or Avicenna, also lived and
worked in Bukhara.
Only in Bukhara can you meet and feel the history. Bukhara’s monuments are witnesses
of original, inimitable craftsmanship in eastern architecture. In this ancient city
one can find a modern infrastructure of accommodation and a cognitive and
fascinating leisure time for tourists and guests is guaranteed.
There is a 4 star Hotel “Bukhara- Palace” as well as a chain of private hotels in
Bukhara and foreign as well as local tourists will be satisfied by their service and